
Penn State DuBois Lion Shrine.

Penn State DuBois announces fall 2021 dean's list

Penn State DuBois has announced the campus dean’s list for the fall 2021 semester. In recognition of academic excellence, students who maintain a grade-point average of 3.50 or higher are named to the dean's list each semester.
BIG Idea Contest logo

$50,000 BIG Idea Contest accepting applications for business ideas in PA Wilds

The North Central PA LaunchBox powered by Penn State DuBois has once again joined with Ben Franklin Technology Partners, the PA Wilds Center for Entrepreneurship, and other economic development leaders to bring the BIG Idea Contest to the region. The winning contestant could take home $50,000 to use in further developing a business idea.
 Shelly and John Luchini

DuBois' Shelly and John Luchini retire with combined half century of service

Director of Finance and Business John Luchini and Continuing Education Program Coordinator Shelly Luchini — husband and wife — have both entered retirement together, effective at the end of 2021. With their combined years of service to Penn State DuBois totaling more than half a century, John retires with nearly 35 years and Shelly with almost 25 years at the campus.